Al reported that everything went fairly well overnight. The nurses did report a fever so they are concerned about the sudden fever and wanted to monitor it throughout the day. Once I arrived after dropping Nathan at school I met with Dr. Bookland (James' neurosurgeon) and we discussed that it would be best to have James spend some more time in the hospital based on the fever and there was a little more fluid collecting in his head and face than he'd like to see. I was in completely agreeable to this as we are in no hurry to get home. We want James to be ready.
Shortly after speaking with the doctor the PCA came in to take James' vitals and he was extremely agitated at the idea of it. He started screaming and crying so hard that a spot in his incision began to bleed steadily. The nurses came and gave it a temporary bandage and then we were playing the wait and see what happens game. Neurosurgery was alerted to the issue and they were involved in the plan of seeing how the bleeding goes. After bleeding through two sets of bandages the Neurosurgery PA-C made a page to Dr. Bookland to see how he wanted to proceed. We did some pressure holds to the area and it seemed to slow the bleeding. We held off on doing another stitch in the area in favor of a pressure dressing. The application of the dressing was less than fun for all involved and in the room but has seemed to stop the bleeding. They also scheduled another CT Scan to take a look and make sure there wasn't an increase in fluid happening in addition to the bleeding.
He also had a visit today from a therapy dog named Annie. Annie was super friendly and full of kisses for James which is just what he needed today.
Shortly after speaking with the doctor the PCA came in to take James' vitals and he was extremely agitated at the idea of it. He started screaming and crying so hard that a spot in his incision began to bleed steadily. The nurses came and gave it a temporary bandage and then we were playing the wait and see what happens game. Neurosurgery was alerted to the issue and they were involved in the plan of seeing how the bleeding goes. After bleeding through two sets of bandages the Neurosurgery PA-C made a page to Dr. Bookland to see how he wanted to proceed. We did some pressure holds to the area and it seemed to slow the bleeding. We held off on doing another stitch in the area in favor of a pressure dressing. The application of the dressing was less than fun for all involved and in the room but has seemed to stop the bleeding. They also scheduled another CT Scan to take a look and make sure there wasn't an increase in fluid happening in addition to the bleeding.
He also had a visit today from a therapy dog named Annie. Annie was super friendly and full of kisses for James which is just what he needed today.
The CT Scan looked good, there weren't any concerns from what they saw. So they decided to leave the pressure dressing on overnight. However they decided to hold his breakfast for the morning in case they needed to perform a procedure such as a lumbar puncture to remove some of the spinal fluid collection in his head and face.
James was very restless just prior, during and after the CT Scan and complaining of stomach pain and some head pain. We tried to get him to settle in and rest and he was just unable to get comfortable. He ended up getting sick, which he then felt well enough to take a nap, which is what he needed.
Now the plan for the night is to manage his pain, make sure there's no further bleeding and hope the fluids in his head go down with the pressure dressing. Hoping for a fever free night and my little buddy to have a better tomorrow. This has been the toughest day so far (other than day one of course).